New Baby: Cesarean Novena Day One

Fruitlands Museum
Harvard, MA

New Baby: Cesarean
Novena: Day One

It’s later that we’d come to know
how sick she was and from
the place they cut you and the end

of what remained that today
I imagine as the severed head
of the Hydra, and how

once lopped and soft in the tray
the head itself lay still
but in its place something crimson

grew and chewed its way through
the burned ends of her tubes
and scratched at where

the uterus was and against the feminine
blood and up into the colon.  But
that would be years making itself

and when you were brand new
and nothing was said of you
except here’s your brother

they put our mother to bed sicker
than they knew, bleeding
and bleeding rot and exhaustion.

It stole from you (though none of us
knew her that either either, but for different
reasons) those days she may have lain

close to you, those days she may have
held you, those days you didn’t
have to cry and cry and cry

yourself to sleep aching the way only
abandoned babies can ache.  Explaining
makes it clear but not

clean, marked like you were
by it from the start.  Like we all were
left wet and blistered

and I’d stand to look at you
through the slats of your crib
(how they made it seem

like you were in prison) maybe
I imagine I look at you because I
was not supposed to be out

of bed and I was only two
and a half and our grandmother
(our mother’s mother) had

hurt me or left me to be hurt
and it was my other grandmother
who came to discover

that I couldn’t walk and I was
told to tell I got my foot caught
in the old tricycle

but it didn’t happen
that way it was something
rough and deliberate

but I must’ve limped to you
and looked in on you
and smelled the baby

you were and the pee
and the rubber sheets and you
maybe gazed at me

I don’t know, maybe
being awake and unswaddled
(my mother didn’t believe

in swaddling she said
later) and it was
the smell in the crib

that made me reach for you
and doesn’t every kid
know that smell and won’t she

be furious so furious
I wanted to hide it for you
to make you glad

again and dry because
you were on the edge
of crying you were

and you’d wake her up
and she’d be swinging
and maybe I said

shhhhh baby, shhhhh baby
and blew you little kisses
through the cage.


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