
Roofs I wonder if in winter when birds perch on/in the empty branches of the maple canopy if there's a quickening in the heartwood of the tree (discrete to save heat) and if the tree would risk it so deep into winter: the weight of a chickadee or a pigmy nuthatch taking a seed to pen and eat like tugging at a stuck purse zipper and then a kip as the men say in their war trenches after guard duty is wrapped for them and their stiff vision of the hills the empty trees and voided sky begins her perpetual revolution of light. I've gone of track and I do that too easily: drift circle around to where I believe I started but it's all gone to ghosts --even the trees are empty like they'd seen me stumbling up clumsy and they ache for the way something graceful can descend on them appreciate just for the sake of appreciating and gladly take the weight. Today, in early April, the Easter lilies are arriving like green knives flying up through the dirt in their own inti...